Protocolo de evaluación rápida de seguridad y efectividad del uso de Agalsidasa beta en el tratamiento de pacientes con Enfermedad de Fabry
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Seguro Integral de Salud
La enfermedad de Fabry es una enfermedad progresiva heterogénea multisistémica hereditaria que afecta tanto a hombres como a mujeres. Se caracteriza por la deficiencia de α-galactosidasa. La actividad reducida o inexistente de la α-glucosidasa provoca la acumulación de GL-3 en los lisosomas de muchos tipos celulares, incluyendo las células endoteliales y parenquimatosas, lo que, en último lugar, provoca deterioros clínicos que pueden provocar la muerte como resultado de las complicaciones renales, cardiacas y cerebrovasculares. El Fondo Intangible Solidario de Salud solicita la evaluación de la tecnología sanitaria agalsidasa beta como tratamiento para Enfermedad de Fabry, la cual a su vez fue solicitada Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño y el Hospital Hipólito Unánue de la Región Tacna, a raíz de la aparición de un caso. Luego de una primera revisión, se determina que la tecnología agalsidasa beta, comercializada en el Perú como Fabrazyme 35 mg, supera la tolerancia al riesgo para evaluación de tecnologías sanitarias en el Seguro Integral de Salud, por lo se consideró sea evaluada por el área de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias en el SIS Central.
Fabry disease is a progressive heterogeneous inherited multisystem disease that affects both men and women. It is characterized by α-galactosidase deficiency. Reduced or absent α-glucosidase activity causes accumulation of GL-3 in the lysosomes of many cell types, including endothelial and parenchymal cells, ultimately leading to clinical deteriorations that can lead to death as a result of renal, cardiac and cerebrovascular complications. The Intangible Solidarity Health Fund requests the evaluation of the agalsidase beta health technology as a treatment for Fabry Disease, which in turn was requested by the National Institute of Children's Health and the Hipólito Unánue Hospital of the Tacna Region, following the appearance of a case. After a first review, it is determined that the agalsidase beta technology, marketed in Peru as Fabrazyme 35 mg, exceeds the risk tolerance for evaluation of health technologies in the Comprehensive Health Insurance, so it was considered to be evaluated by the area of Evaluation of Health Technologies in the Central SIS.
Fabry disease is a progressive heterogeneous inherited multisystem disease that affects both men and women. It is characterized by α-galactosidase deficiency. Reduced or absent α-glucosidase activity causes accumulation of GL-3 in the lysosomes of many cell types, including endothelial and parenchymal cells, ultimately leading to clinical deteriorations that can lead to death as a result of renal, cardiac and cerebrovascular complications. The Intangible Solidarity Health Fund requests the evaluation of the agalsidase beta health technology as a treatment for Fabry Disease, which in turn was requested by the National Institute of Children's Health and the Hipólito Unánue Hospital of the Tacna Region, following the appearance of a case. After a first review, it is determined that the agalsidase beta technology, marketed in Peru as Fabrazyme 35 mg, exceeds the risk tolerance for evaluation of health technologies in the Comprehensive Health Insurance, so it was considered to be evaluated by the area of Evaluation of Health Technologies in the Central SIS.
Palabras clave
Seguridad, Efectividad, Agalsidasa, Beta, Tratamiento, Paciente
Seguro Integral de Salud, Orrego Ferreyros, Vásquez Quispe Gonzáles, Durand Concha(2016). Protocolo de evaluación rápida de seguridad y efectividad del uso de Agalsidasa beta en el tratamiento de pacientes con Enfermedad de Fabry. [Protocolo de evaluación rápida de seguridad y efectividad de medicamento.]